Club Capital Antwerp

December 15, 2022
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party at Club Capital Antwerp
© @clubcapital / Instagram

Antwerp, Belgium

Club / Indoor & Outdoor / XS – 200-500


Electronic, Pop


Underground, Casual


Want to delve deep into the underground? Club Capital sets the mood with a basement venue and electrifying beats.

The nightclub opened in 2004, but a fire erupted in 2010, taking the place down. Nine years later, the club was back and ready to make up for lost time. Capital is in Stadspark near the Latin Quarter, Theaterbuurt, south of Antwerp.

Boasting a fancy restaurant, a spacious terrace surrounded by greenery, and the underground club, Capital has it all. The nightclub is dominated by gray, with a sleek glass bar, black lounges, and green leaves, adding a cozy feel.

While electronic music dominates the dance floor, the club’s speaker blasts hip-hop, soul, funk, and R&B. With artists like DJ Licious taking the stage, tame isn’t in Capital’s vocabulary.

Epic music calls for epic crowds – this is why Antwerp’s young and cool partiers buzz about the club like a beehive.

From its dark and mysterious ambiance to its groovy music, Club Capital is one way to relish nights in Antwerp to its fullest.

© @clubcapital / Instagram


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