Diamonds Club Cologne

November 22, 2022
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party at Diamonds Club Cologne
© @diamondsclubkoeln / Facebook

Cologne, Germany

Club / Indoor only / XS – 200-500


Pop, Hip-Hop, Latin


Upscale, Live music


Would you like your night to sparkle like a diamond? Diamonds Club is where you can pop your favorite bottles and dance to the latest hits.

Diamonds is in the Altstadt-Nord neighborhood of Innenstadt. The historic city center is known for its museums, narrow streets, and steeply gabled houses.

The multi-level club features a mezzanine level overlooking a spacious dance floor. Diamonds has a modern interior with a giant disco ball reflecting lights across the venue.

Music at Diamonds is a vibrant mix of the latest pop hits. It seems like the Cologne club has a “never too old to party” mantra at its core. With a quick look at the crowds, you will discover that people from all walks of life flock to its groovy dance floor.

Diamonds will ensure a great night out with friends thanks to its casual atmosphere and solid DJ sets.

© diamonds cologne / Youtube


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