Project Glow Festival Introduces Smart Lost & Found Program

April 24, 2023
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© @ProjectGLOWFest / Facebook

Phone loss happens, but music events are here to fix it. Ahead of its 2023 edition, Project Glow festival announced its new approach to lost and found items, simplifying the process of reuniting owners with their belongings. 

Through a partnership with lost and found software Liff Happens, the festival will allow attendees to pre-register their gadgets. For stress-free fun, festival-goers will receive a custom screensaver that enables Project Glow’s team to notify phone owners upon receiving their lost item. 

Once a phone is registered, the algorithm automatically matches it with lost item reports. The software notifies the owner’s onsite contact to explain how they can retrieve the lost phone. 

While some netizens called the Project Glow’s lost and found program “smart as fuck,” some pointed out that most people will keep the phone instead of returning it. 

And for a good reason. Festival phone theft has been rampant in recent months. In March, California’s Beyond Wonderland festival was plagued by pickpocketing, with some thieves stealing dozens of phones

Project Glow will kick off this weekend in Washington. Its 2023 edition will take over RFK Festival Grounds with blue-blooded electronic artists like Tiesto, Gorgon City and Kygo. 

© @projectglowfest / Instagram


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