Pattaya Nightclubs and Bars Ask For Longer Opening Hours

The European operating hours approach could bring a 20-30% jump in the nightlife economy
November 30, 2022
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© Hanny Naibaho / Unsplash 

Pattaya‘s nightclubs and bars are asking the government to extend their operating hours until 4 AM in a bid to boost the nightlife economy. 

As the last COVID-19 restrictions get lifted and the tourism sector starts to bounce back, nightlife business owners are gunning to get extensions on their opening hours. Under the current law, Pattaya clubs and bars have a 2 AM curfew. 

Since nightlife hubs are an integral part of tourist hotspots, owners say that if implemented, the new regulation could bolster the sector’s recovery with a 20-30% jump in revenue. 

Mr. Sanga Reuangwattanakun, President of the Khao San Road Business Association, said the proposal would be discussed next week at a cabinet meeting.

He said he agreed with clubs and bars adopting a European operating-hours approach, but only to specific zones like Khao San Road, Soi Cowboy, and Soi Patpong.


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